Các cấu trúc so sánh là một phần kiến thức rất quan trọng của ngữ pháp tiếng Anh và thường xuyên được sử dụng hàng ngày, trong cả văn nói và văn viết. Tuy nhiên, nếu bạn vẫn còn “lơ mơ” với các mẫu câu này, cùng đọc ngay bài viết sau để hệ thống lại kiến thức và ôn tập với các bài tập so sánh từ cơ bản đến nâng cao nhé. Cùng bắt đầu ngay nào!

I. Hệ thống kiến thức các cấu trúc so sánh tiếng Anh


1. So sánh bằng

  • Cấu trúc với tính từ, trạng từ: S + V + as + adj/adv + as + …

Ví dụ: She speaks English as fluently as her sister. (Cô ấy nói tiếng Anh lưu loát như chị gái cô ấy.) Trong câu này, chúng ta so sánh khả năng nói tiếng Anh của hai chị em và cho biết rằng họ đều giỏi như nhau.

  • Cấu trúc với danh từ: S + V + the same + (N) + as + …

Ví dụ: The cake you baked tastes the same as the one I bought. (Cái bánh mà bạn nướng có cùng vị như cái tôi mua.)

2. So sánh hơn

  • Cấu trúc với tính từ/trạng từ ngắn: S + verb + (adj/adv) + “er” + than + …

Ví dụ: My car is faster than yours. (Xe của tôi nhanh hơn của bạn.)

  • Cấu trúc với tính từ/trạng từ dài: S + V + more + adj/adv + than + …

Ví dụ: He runs more quickly than his friend. (Anh ấy chạy nhanh hơn bạn anh ấy.)

Lưu ý: Có một số tính từ và trạng từ có dạng đặc biệt khi so sánh hơn, không tuân theo quy tắc thông thường. Ví dụ: “good” – “better”, “bad” – “worse”, “far” – “farther” (khoảng cách vật thể), “far” – “further” (nghĩa bóng).

3. So sánh nhất

  • Cấu trúc với tính từ/trạng từ ngắn: S + verb + the + (adj/adv) + “est” + …

Ví dụ: She runs the fastest in my class. (Cô ấy chạy nhanh nhất trong lớp tôi.)

  • Cấu trúc với tính từ/trạng từ dài: S + verb + the most + (adj/adv) + …

Ví dụ: He speaks the most fluently in the group. (Anh ấy nói tiếng Anh trôi chảy nhất trong nhóm.)

4. So sánh kép (càng – càng)

Cấu trúc: The + comparative adj/adv + S + V, the + comparative adj/adv + S + V.

Ví dụ: The more you practice, the better you get. (Bạn càng luyện tập thì càng giỏi)

5. So sánh đa bội (so sánh gấp nhiều lần)

  • Cấu trúc so sánh gấp đôi: S + V + twice as + adj/adv + as + …

Ví dụ: The new computer is twice as powerful as the previous model. (Máy tính mới mạnh gấp đôi so với mẫu trước đó.)

  • Cấu trúc so sánh gấp nhiều lần: S + V + three, four,… times + as + much/many + adj/adv + N + as + …

Ví dụ: He earns three times as much money as I do. (Anh ấy kiếm nhiều tiền gấp 3 so với tôi.)




II. Bài tập so sánh tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến nâng cao có đáp án

Như vậy, chúng ta vừa ôn tập một lượt các cấu trúc so sánh tiếng Anh phổ biến nhất rồi đúng không nào? Cùng bắt tay vào thực hành với một số bài tập so sánh trong tiếng Anh ngay nào!

Bạn cũng có thể tải file PDF bài tập so sánh bản không có đáp án tại đây và in ra để tiện ôn tập, kiểm tra hơn nhé!

1. Bài tập riêng từng loại câu so sánh


1.1. Bài tập so sánh hơn

Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành các câu sau:

  1. The weather today is (hot) ____________ than yesterday.
  2. My sister is (tall) ____________ than me.
  3. This book is (interesting) ____________ than the one I read last week.
  4. The red dress is (expensive) ____________ than the blue dress.
  5. He runs (fast) ____________ than any other person on the team.
  6. Her performance in the exam was (good) ____________ than mine.
  7. This restaurant is (popular) ____________ than the one across the street.
  8. The new laptop is (powerful) ____________ than the old one.
  9. The movie we saw last night was (boring) ____________ than the one we saw last week.
  10. She speaks English (fluently) ____________ than her brother.
  11. The traffic during rush hour is (bad) ____________ than usual.
  12. The coffee at this café tastes (good) ____________ than the coffee at the other café.
  13. His jokes are (funny) ____________ than hers.
  14. My friend’s car is (reliable) ____________ than mine.
  15. The new smartphone has a (large) ____________ screen than the old one.
  16. Her handwriting is (neat) ____________ than mine.
  17. The scenery in the mountains is (breathtaking) ____________ than at the beach.
  18. The new movie is (entertaining) ____________ than the one we saw last week.
  19. The hotel we stayed at was (luxurious) ____________ than the one we stayed at last year.
  20. The new restaurant has (tasty) ____________ food than the one we used to go to.

Đáp án:

  1. hotter
  2. taller
  3. more interesting
  4. more expensive
  5. faster
  6. better
  7. more popular
  8. more powerful
  9. more boring
  10. more fluently
  11. worse
  12. better
  13. funnier
  14. more reliable
  15. larger
  16. neater
  17. more breathtaking
  18. more entertaining
  19. more luxurious
  20. tastier
Tham Khảo Thêm:  Lý thuyết sinh học 11-Loga.vn: Bài 24: Ứng động

1.2. Bài tập so sánh nhất


Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành các câu sau:

  1. Mount Everest is (high) __________________ mountain in the world.
  2. This is (interesting) __________________ book I’ve ever read.
  3. She is (beautiful) __________________ girl in the class.
  4. The cheetah is (fast) __________________ land animal on Earth.
  5. This is (delicious) __________________ cake I’ve ever tasted.
  6. The Sahara Desert is (hot) __________________ place on Earth.
  7. He is (tall) __________________ person in our family.
  8. The elephant is (heavy) __________________ land animal.
  9. The new skyscraper is (tall) __________________ building in the city.
  10. It was (bad) __________________ day of my life.
  11. The Burj Khalifa in Dubai is (tall) __________________ building in the world.
  12. She is (smart) __________________ student in the class.

Đáp án:

  1. the highest
  2. the most interesting
  3. the most beautiful
  4. the fastest
  5. the most delicious
  6. the hottest
  7. the tallest
  8. the heaviest
  9. the tallest
  10. the worst
  11. the tallest
  12. the smartest

1.3. Bài tập so sánh bằng

Sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh bằng để hoàn thành các câu dưới đây:

  1. John/ tall / Peter.
  2. This cake / delicious / that cake.
  3. I / hardworking / my sister.
  4. His drawing / good / her drawing.
  5. The red car / expensive / the blue car.
  6. She / speak / him.
  7. My dog / friendly / your dog.
  8. The movie / interesting / the book.
  9. I / enjoy / it / my friend.
  10. The blue bag / big / the green bag.

Đáp án:

  1. John is as tall as Peter.
  2. This cake is as delicious as that cake.
  3. I am as hardworking as my sister.
  4. His drawing is as good as her drawing.
  5. The red car is as expensive as the blue car.
  6. She speaks as well as him.
  7. My dog is as friendly as your dog.
  8. The movie is as interesting as the book.
  9. I enjoy it as much as my friend.
  10. The blue bag is as big as the green bag.

1.4. Bài tập so sánh kép (càng – càng)

Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành các câu sau:

  1. The more books you read, the _________________ (much) knowledge you gain.
  2. _________________ (hard) he studies, _________________ (high) his grades will be.
  3. The less time she has, the _________________ (quickly) she works.
  4. _________________ (popular) a movie is, _________________ (many) people will watch it.
  5. The _________________ (expensive) the hotel, the _________________ (luxurious) its facilities are.
  6. _________________ (late) you stay up, _________________ (tired) you will be tomorrow.
  7. The _________________ (hot) it gets, _________________ (much) water you should drink.
  8. _________________ (early) you arrive at the airport, _________________ (long) you have to wait for your flight.
  9. The _________________ (busy) they are, _________________ (little) time they have for relaxation.
  10. The _________________ (patient) you are, _________________ (likely) you will succeed.

Đáp án:

  1. The more books you read, the more knowledge you gain.
  2. The harder he studies, the higher his grades will be.
  3. The less time she has, the more quickly she works.
  4. The more popular a movie is, the more people will watch it.
  5. The more expensive the hotel, the more luxurious its facilities are.
  6. The later you stay up, the more tired you will be tomorrow.
  7. The hotter it gets, the more water you should drink.
  8. The earlier you arrive at the airport, the longer you have to wait for your flight.
  9. The busier they are, the less time they have for relaxation.
  10. The more patient you are, the more likely you will succeed.

1.5. Bài tập so sánh đa bội (so sánh gấp nhiều lần)


Chọn chữ cái trước đáp án đúng để hoàn thành các câu dưới đây:

1. The new smartphone model has ________ the previous one.

A. Twice as many features as

B. Twice as much features as

C. Twice as many feature as

D. Twice times as many features as

2. Mary completed the project in half the time ________ John.

A. As

B. Of

C. As much as

D. Than

3. The athlete broke the world record by running ________ the previous record holder.

A. Three seconds faster than

B. Three seconds fast as

C. Three seconds faster as

D. Three seconds as fast as

4. The new restaurant offers ________ options on the menu ________ the old one.

A. Many more / than

B. Many more / as

C. Much more / than

D. Much more / as

5. The sales of the product have increased ________ since the marketing campaign started.

A. Two times

B. Twice as much

C. Twice times

D. Two times as much

6. The temperature in the desert can be ________ that of a tropical rainforest.

A. As high as twice

B. Twice as high as

C. As twice high as

D. As high as two times

7. The new model of the electric car can travel ________ the previous model.

A. Twice as far as

B. Twice far than

C. Twice far as

D. Twice as far than

8. Her presentation was ________ her colleague’s.

A. Half as informative as

B. Half informative as

C. Half as informative than

D. Half informative than

9. The number of participants in the marathon this year is ________ last year.

A. 30% as many as

B. 30% as much as

C. 30% as many participant as

D. 30% as much participants as

10. The number of trees in the park is now ________ it was five years ago.

A. 50% as many as

B. 50% as much as

C. 50% as many tree as

D. 50% as much trees as

Đáp án:

1. a. Twice as many features as

2. d. Than

3. a. Three seconds faster than

4. b. Many more / than

5. d. Two times as much

6. b. Twice as high as

7. a. Twice as far as

8. a. Half as informative as

9. a. 30% as many as

10. a. 50% as many as

2. Bài tập hỗn hợp các loại câu so sánh


2.1. Bài tập viết lại câu so sánh

Viết lại các câu dưới đây bằng từ cho trước sao cho nghĩa không đổi:

  1. I’ve never bought a more expensive watch than this one.⇒ This is _______________
  2. There is no better time to visit Paris than in the spring.⇒ The _______________
  3. She has never been to a more beautiful beach than this one.⇒ This is _______________
  4. I haven’t seen a more exciting movie than this one.⇒ This is _______________
  5. There is no more convenient way to get there than by taking the subway.⇒ Taking the subway _______________
  6. Her bag is larger than my bag.⇒ My bag is _______________
  7. The new laptop is faster than the old laptop.⇒ The old laptop is _______________
  8. His phone is more expensive than her phone.⇒ Her phone is _______________
  9. This book is more interesting than that book.⇒ That book is _______________
  10. The blue dress is prettier than the pink dress.⇒ The pink dress is _______________
  11. No other city is as crowded as Tokyo.⇒ Tokyo is the_____________________
  12. He doesn’t play the piano as skillfully as his teacher.⇒ His teacher plays the piano_____________________
  13. This phone doesn’t have as many features as the other one.⇒ The other phone has_____________________
  14. The small suitcase isn’t as heavy as the big suitcase.⇒ The big suitcase is_____________________
  15. No one in the class speaks as many languages as Lisa.⇒ Lisa speaks_____________________
  16. This is the most beautiful painting in the gallery.⇒ No other painting in the gallery is _____________
  17. She is the best student in the class.⇒ No one in the class is _____________
  18. No country in the world has a larger population than China.⇒ China has _____________
  19. The red dress is the most expensive dress in the store.⇒ No other dress in the store is _____________
  20. He is the least experienced player on the team.⇒ No one on the team is _____________
  21. If you eat less junk food, you can lose weight.⇒ The less _____________
  22. If you practice speaking English with native speakers, you can improve your pronunciation.⇒ The more _____________
  23. If you wait longer, you can get a better price for the product.⇒ The longer _____________
  24. If you eat more fruits and vegetables, your health will improve.⇒ The more _____________
  25. If you listen to others more, you will understand them better.⇒ The more _____________
  26. If you practice speaking English daily, your fluency will increase.⇒ The more _____________
  27. If you practice playing the piano more often, you will improve your skills.⇒ The more _____________
  28. If you save more money, you will have a larger budget for your vacation.⇒ The more _____________
Tham Khảo Thêm:  Định nghĩa, công thức, ứng dụng của lực đẩy acsimet

Đáp án:

1. This is the most expensive watch I’ve ever bought.

2. The best time to visit Paris is in the spring.

3. This is the most beautiful beach she has ever been to.

4. This is the most exciting movie I’ve seen.

5. Taking the subway is the most convenient way to get there.

6. My bag is smaller than her bag.

7. The old laptop is slower than the new laptop.

8. Her phone is less expensive than his phone.

9. That book is less interesting than this book.

10. The pink dress is less pretty than the blue dress.

11. Tokyo is the most crowded city.

12. His teacher plays the piano more skillfully than him.

13. The other phone has more features than this one.

14. The big suitcase is heavier than the small one.

15. Lisa speaks the most languages in the class.

16. No other painting in the gallery is as beautiful as this one.

17. No one in the class is a better student than she is.

18. China has the largest population of any country in the world.

19. No other dress in the store is as expensive as the red dress.

20. No one on the team is less experienced than he is.

21. The less junk food you eat, the more weight you can lose.

22. The more you practice speaking English with native speakers, the better your pronunciation is.

23. The longer you wait, the better price you can get for the product.

24. The more fruits and vegetables you eat, the better your health is.

25. The more you listen to others, the better you will understand them.

26. The more you practice speaking English daily, the better your fluency is.

27. The more you practice playing the piano, the better your skills are.

28. The more money you save, the larger budget you will have for your vacation.

2.2. Bài tập trắc nghiệm so sánh


Chọn chữ cái trước đáp án đúng để hoàn thành các câu dưới đây:

1) The new laptop is _______ than the old one.

a. more modern

b. modern

c. many modern

d. most modern

2) She sings _______ than anyone else in the choir.

a. most beautifully

b. more beautiful

c. beautiful

d. the most beautiful

3) This car is _______ than the previous model.

a. expensive

b. more expensive

c. most expensive

d. the most expensive

4) The weather today is _______ than we expected.

a. worse

b. more worse

c. worst

d. the worst

5) He is _______ student in the class.

a. smartest

b. more smartest

c. smarter

d. the smartest

6) This book is _______ the last one I read.

a. interesting

b. more interesting than

c. most interesting

d. the most interesting

7) The new restaurant is _______ the old one.

a. busier than

b. busiest

c. more busy than

d. the most busy

8) The red shoes are _______ the blue ones.

a. expensiver than

b. more expensive than

c. most expensive

d. the most expensive

9) She is _______ girl in the group.

a. prettier

b. the prettiest

c. more pretty

d. most pretty

10) The new motorbike is _______ the old one.

a. faster

b. fastest

c. more fast

d. the most fast

11) His presentation was _______ in the conference.

a. interesting

b. more interesting

c. most interesting

d. the most interesting

12) The blue shirt is _______ the green shirt.

a. cheaper than

b. the cheapest

c. more cheap than

d. the most cheap

13) This city is _______ I’ve ever been to.

a. beautiful

b. more beautiful

c. most beautiful

d. the most beautiful

14) The final exam was _______ than we expected.

a. easy

b. easier

c. easiest

d. the easiest

15) He is _______ in the family.

a. the tallest

b. taller

c. the taller

d. more tall

16) The old house is _______ than the new one.

a. big

b. bigger

c. biggest

d. the biggest

17) This movie is _______ than the one I saw last week.

Tham Khảo Thêm:  Thang điểm IELTS 2024 mới nhất và cách tính điểm IELTS chuẩn nhất

a. good

b. better

c. best

d. the best

18) She is _______ person I know.

a. nice

b. nicer

c. nicest

d. the nicest

19) The new restaurant is _______ the old one.

a. good

b. better than

c. best

d. the best than

20) The red car is _______ the blue car.

a. faster

b. faster than

c. fastest

d. the fastest

21) This phone is _______ than the previous model.

a. thin

b. thinner

c. thinnest

d. the thinnest

22) He is _______ student in the class.

a. smart

b. smarter

c. smartest

d. the smartest

23) This is _______ pizza I’ve ever had.

a. delicious

b. more delicious

c. most delicious

d. the most delicious

24) The big suitcase is _______ the small suitcase.

a. heavy

b. heavier than

c. heaviest

d. the heaviest

25) The new model is _______ the old model.

a. good

b. better than

c. best

d. the best

26) The new laptop model is priced at only 60% ________ the old one.

a. As

b. Of

c. As much as

d. Than

27) The new software has ________ features as the old one.

a. Twice as many

b. Twice more

c. Two times as much

d. Two times more

28) The population of this city is ________ it was a decade ago.

a. Half as large as

b. Half larger as

c. Half as larger than

d. Half as much as

29) The speed of the new internet connection is ________ the previous one.

a. Twice as fast as

b. Twice fast as

c. Twice as faster than

d. Twice faster than

30) The number of students in this class is ________ the other class.

a. The same as

b. The same than

c. The same as much

d. The same much as

Đáp án:

1. A. more modern

2. A. most beautifully

3. B. more expensive

4. A. worse

5. D. the smartest

6. D. the most interesting

7. A. busier than

8. B. more expensive than

9. B. the prettiest

10. A. faster

11. D. the most interesting

12. A. cheaper than

13. C. most beautiful

14. B. easier

15. C. the taller

16. B. bigger

17. B. better

18. D. the nicest

19. B. better than

20. A. faster

21. B. thinner

22. D. the smartest

23. C. most delicious

24. B. heavier than

25. B. better than

26. C. As much as

27. A. Twice as many

28. A. Half as large as

29. A. Twice as fast as

30. A. The same as

3. Bài tập câu so sánh trong tiếng Anh điền từ


A. Chia từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau:

Last summer, my brother and I went on a trip to two different cities. In the first city, the weather was (hot) 1. _______ than we expected, but in the second city, it was even (hot) 2. _______. We visited some museums in both cities, but the one in the second city was (interesting) 3. _______ than the one in the first city. However, the hotel in the first city was (comfortable) 4. _______ than the one in the second city. We had a (good) 5. _______ time in both cities, but we enjoyed the second city (much) 6. _______.

After our trip, we decided to compare our experiences and find out which city was (enjoyable) 7. _______. My brother thought the first city was (enjoyable) 8._______ because he loves hot weather and found the museums there (interesting) 9. _______. On the other hand, I preferred the second city because I found the weather (pleasant) 10. _______ and the hotel (comfortable) 11. _______. We both agreed that the food in the second city was (delicious) 12. _______ as in the first city. Overall, our trip was (memorable) 13. _______ and we can’t wait to plan our next adventure.

B. Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành các câu sau:

1. This book is ___________ than the one I read last week. (interesting)

2. The blue car is ___________ than the red car. (fast)

3. He is ___________ player on the team. (good)

4. The movie was ___________ than I expected. (enjoyable)

5. She is ___________ in her class. (popular)

6. My computer is ___________ than hers. (modern)

7. The weather is ___________ today. (bad)

8. The new phone is ___________ than the old one. (expensive)

9. She sings ___________ than anyone else in the choir. (beautiful)

10. The mountain peak is ___________ than any other nearby. (high)

11. The traffic is getting (bad) ___________ and (bad) ___________.

12. The movie was ___________ and ___________ (exciting).

13. The competition is getting ___________ and ___________ (fierce).

Đáp án:


1. hotter

2. hotter

3. more interesting

4. more comfortable

5. good

6. more

7. more enjoyable

8. enjoyable

9. more interesting

10. more pleasant

11. more comfortable

12. as delicious

13. memorable


1. This book is more interesting than the one I read last week.

2. The blue car is faster than the red car.

3. He is the best player on the team.

4. The movie was more enjoyable than I expected.

5. She is the most popular in her class.

6. My computer is more modern than hers.

7. The weather is worse today.

8. The new phone is more expensive than the old one.

9. She sings more beautifully than anyone else in the choir.

10. The mountain peak is higher than any other nearby.

11. The traffic is getting worse and worse.

12. The movie was more and more exciting.

13. The competition is getting more and more fierce.

Kết luận

Trên đây là tổng hợp các bài tập so sánh tiếng Anh từ cơ bản đến nâng cao kèm theo đáp án đầy đủ nhất. Hy vọng rằng qua những bài tập trên, bạn đã có thể ôn lại và nâng cao kiến thức của mình về các mẫu câu so sánh. Bên cạnh đó, đừng quên đăng ký làm bài test trình độ tiếng Anh miễn phí tại đây để biết được khả năng của mình nhé. Langmaster chúc bạn thành công!





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